Employee stock ownership and firm exit decisions: A cross-country analysis of rank-and-file employees / J. C. ​Hennig et al.

Employee stock ownership and firm exit decisions: A cross-country analysis of rank-and-file employees / J. C. ​Hennig et al.

German industry is struggling to recruit and retain talent in the labour market. In the European start-up scene, employee share ownership schemes have long been established to counter this “war for talent”. In German industry, too, employee share ownership programmes are being introduced more and more frequently, also for employees outside management positions. However, little was known until now about whether these programmes actually help to retain talent in the company.

In her publication in the prestigious international academic journal Accounting, Organizations and Society, Jana Oehmichen, Professor of Organisation, Human Resources and Corporate Governance at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), together with colleagues from Groningen and Göttingen, explores precisely this question. The study is based on data from more than 190,000 employees of a multinational industrial company.

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